Local rules
Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club (GLGC) has a range of Local Rules applicable to play on the course. Players should review these rules prior to playing on the course. The local rules are also on available on the notice board outside the entrance to the Pro Shop.
Drop Zones
Gungahlin Lakes Golf Course has a number of Drop Zones in play, This is due to the nature of the course layout which means many of our greens have penalty areas (particularly water hazards) adjacent to them. Details on the location and use of Drop Zones is available in the Drop zone Guidance document.
Abnormal Conditions in Bunkers
Guidance has been prepared to assist players to understand the options available when a bunker is impacted by abnormal conditions, in particular flooding due to wet weather. The guidance is available here.
Course care
Gungahlin Lakes is a ‘soft spikes’ only course.
As a member or visitor to Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club you can assist with keeping the course in top condition by:
- carrying and using a sand bucket
- ensuring that any turf cut or displaced (a “divot”) is replaced and/or filled with sand
- ensuring that any damage to a putting green made by a ball (pitch mark) is carefully repaired. This includes your own and those made by others
- repairing any damage to putting green caused by golf rules in accordance with the rules of golf (Rule 13.1c)
- following all guidance about the use of hired golf carts
- raking and smoothing bunkers (including those not smoothed by previous players) and replacing the rakes in the middle of the bunkers with rake head facing the hole
- using suitable entry and exit points to the bunkers, such as the tongues of grass (don’t walk on the face of a bunker)
- being considerate of others if you are a smoker and appropriately disposing of cigarette butts
Pace of play
A round of golf at Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club should take no more than 4 hours and 20 minutes. To ensure everyone enjoys their round of golf, members and visitors can assist with the pace of play by:
- playing “Ready Golf” – the GLGC Committee encourages “ready golf” principles. This means that any player can/may hit when it is safe to do so. Members must observe the GLGC Pace of Play Guidelines. See Guidance Statements Nov 2024 Revision
- being aware of your position with regard to the group in front and keep up with that group
- telling the other players in your group if you feel that your group is losing ground
- trying to catch up if your group is behind
- inviting the group behind to play through if you lose a clear hole and are delaying the group behind, or if there is no group in front of you
- being ready to play your shot, while exercising due consideration for other players in your group, put your glove on, check your distance, pick your club
- speeding up your exit by positioning your bags on the way to the next tee at the green
- moving off the green as soon as all players in your group have holed out and mark score cards at or on the way to the next tee
- playing a provisional ball if your ball may be lost outside a hazard or out of bounds
Please note: Players in the earliest groups of the day have a greater obligation to move as quickly as possible around the course to ensure the rest of the field is not delayed.
If you feel that a group is slow, politely inform them of your concerns and ask them to speed up. If there is no improvement, inform a Committee member or the Pro Shop on completion of your round.