In the halls of the Ainslie Football Club, the spirit of Rowan “Rooster” Andrews lingers as a cherished memory. Once a radiant star on the AFL field, Rooster transitioned seamlessly from the heights of athletic prowess to the realm of law enforcement, leaving an lasting mark on both arenas.
Tragically, we recently bid farewell to this beloved figure, a man whose charisma, determination, and sportsmanship inspired all who knew him.
As we honour Rooster’s memory, the Ainslie Football Club reflects on the profound impact he had not only as a former player but also as a dedicated police officer. His legacy resonates in the hearts of family, friends, teammates, and the broader community, a testament to the enduring spirit of a remarkable individual who touched lives far beyond the goalposts.
His time at Ainslie began in 2009 and made an instant impact not only with his uncompromising training habits but his fearless and tough way of playing football in the Ruck. He led the way and set the tone for many games. Two-time Premiership player in 2010 & 2011, Rooster played 80 Senior games with the club.
Rest in peace, Rooster, your legacy lives on in the hearts of those who were privileged to witness your brilliance on and off the field.